Heather Murray, English assistant at our school
Heather Murray with pupils of second of baccalaureate
This year we have welcomed an English assistant to the school. Her name is Heather Murray and she is from Leeds. She is going to help and support the English and AICLE teachers. She works twelve hours a week and also teaches English in primary schools. We hope that she has a great experience here in Mar de la Frau and we also hope that the students become more confident in using spoken English.
In order to find out some more about Heather, two girls from Fourth of ESO have interviewed her with the help of the Second of Bat students.
Here you can read the interview with Heather:
What’s your name and where are you from?
I’m Heather and I’m from Leeds, in the north of England.
What did you study at university?
I studied English Literature at Durham University, near Newcastle.
What made you decide to come to Cambrils?
I wanted to live abroad after graduating from university and last year I worked in a primary school in Cambrils. I had a great time last year and wanted to spend some more time here.
How long will you be with us?
I’ll be here in school until the end of May.
What do you like the most about living here?
I really enjoy experiencing new things and discovering more about the different cultures and traditions here, as well as being able to share the culture of my own country with the people. I also like the weather!
What do you miss from England?
My family and friends.
Is it difficult to adapt yourself to our customs?
Not really, and I’ve been here a year now so I am getting more used to living here. When I arrived I found it difficult eating dinner so late!
Can you explain exactly what your job is here?
My job is to encourage students in developing their oral skills in English and to assist the teachers in class.
Which classes are you in?
At the moment I’m mostly in Third of ESO and Second of Bat, and in English, History, Technology and Biology classes, but I will be in different classes next term.
What do you think about the English level in the school?
The English level in the school is great, but students should be more confident in their speaking abilities.
21st November,2015. By Ona Ginés and Cristina Triviño with the collaboration of some 2nd of Bat students and Cori Fernàndez. Photo Cori Fernàndez.